Sunday, September 16, 2012

Upton's Morning Assault

STAND TO -- In the infantry in the defense when I was assigned to the 101st Abn there were two 100% alerts with all men at the ready. One at dawn beginning at nautical twilight until after sunrise and the other at sundown to nautical twilight. I fear the Confederates had not learned that lesson on the morning of May 10 1864 or else if they did they were simply outgunned. At this site 4000 federals attacked from the cover of the woods 200 yards distant and overwhelmed strong defenses capturing 950 and four guns General Upton had practiced stealth to move his regiments seemingly undetected through the woods and lead the attack. He rewrote infantry tactics later. Tactical error -- The Union did not consolidate and support Upton. Ewell brought his divisions to bear in minutes and Upton beat a hasty retreat badly mauled. By evening the guns were back in CSA hands along with 1000 prisoners. Note breastworks

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Mason's Rights

Gunston Hall, Virginia.
George Mason bust. Non-signer of the Declaration of Independence as it failed to assert men's inherent rights. In June of that year he had introduced the rights to the Virginia assembly and they had been adopted unanimously. Beautiful home. It is a most pleasant day to reflect on the original Virginia and US rights. One was that of the press to be completely free of government censure. That intent has been kept by a diligent judiciary -- even in the face of rage recently by some. Free men may use parody, cartoons, and sarcasm to criticize any and all. Blasphemy laws are of none effect in these United States. thank you Mr. Mason

Friday, September 14, 2012

What Would Teddy Say


Much has been said these past days about the attacks and killings of Americans by Islamic people on Patriots Day 9-11-12. I came to Roosevelt Island this afternoon to think what Teddy might say were he alive today:

Monday, September 3, 2012

Mellow Yellow

These giant yellow mushrooms grow from a stump in a shaded spot. They are the prettiest that I have seen and the largest. I estimate the width of those two large leaf-like pedals to be 8" across. The cluster comes from one mushroom root that seemingly branches. They are about four inches high and a beige color with the brown center

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Grove of the Golden Stars

Braddock Heights. In 1919, ninety-three Norway Maple trees were planted by the Potomac Edison Company at the entrance to Braddock Heights Park. This grove was dedicated by the Hagerstown & Frederick Railway on May 30, 1921 to honor the Frederick County soldiers who died in the Great War. 

ALMIGHTY God, our heavenly Father, in whose hands are the living and the dead; We give thee thanks for all those thy servants who have laid down their lives in the service of our country. Grant to them thy mercy and the light of thy presence, that the good work which thou hast begun in them may be perfected; through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord. Amen

In that number was one Frederick F. Carroll

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Profile Silhouette

Frederick is exposed normally in the background and the backlighting creates an interesting silhouette profile. Crop of a photo taken at the Overlook

Picture Perfect Pitcher

A good day at the Antique shops

Woolly Worm

Back home we have a Wooly Worm festival with woolly worm races, queens, etc. The lovely caterpillar will begin to show bands and the bands are predictive of the harshness of the oncoming winter--so goes tradition

Terminal Termitis

This old tree along the walking path in River Bend Park fell to termites this summer. A closeup view shows their handiwork. No doubt a large colony had been established here