Friday, April 30, 2010

Trojan Horse

Lexington Arts Center
Horse Mania Art is coming back to Lexington. This horse is one from a decade ago. I admired this first last week at Tyson's and Amy's wedding here.
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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Mr & Mrs Carroll

Lexington, Kentucky
Downtown Arts Center
146 East Main Street

**How sweet it is **
Tyson and Amy danced the night away after the cutting of the cake. We enjoyed a wonderful reception courtesy of the parents of the bride, Tim and Toni Tillotson, who got a new son this day as Zetta and I got a new daughter. The theme was of their favorite pastimes. I bid the prayers of all those who may read these words that Tyson and Amy may have a beautiful, fruitful, and everlasting marriage. God bless them today and always.
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Tyson & Amy

Today I officiated at the wedding of son Tyson and daughter Amy who celebrate here with a glass of champagne.
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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Belly Dancer

Laziza's Fredericksburg
Great entertainment and great food tonight at my favorite Lebanese restaurant. I wondered as she danced how long the Mediterranean culture has had this form of dancing. We need go no further than scripture for an answer. I remember the Song of Miriam and the women who danced and sang in celebration of the deliverance, David's dance amongst the women before the Ark of the Covenant as it made its processional journey to Jerusalem, and finally the dance of Salome for which Herod swore half of his kingdom. A long time indeed, and may it continue to entertain good folk for all time.
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Thursday, April 8, 2010

HOT Pursuit

I paused at Culver Lake when I noticed the aggressive behavior of the colorful male ducks. The were several males with their mates and many more males "circling". They would often raise up out of the water and beat their wings. Other would chase away intruders with a peck on the back if they could catch them. Spring has lit a little fire in them fed by testosterone

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Gazebo in Pink

Baker Park
This shot is one that one will only see in the spring and, it is the first time I have noticed it. The park gazebo is surrounded by four dogwoods in bloom. I think one can see the effects of the approaching storm in the bending bows
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These pretty trees in full bloom line Carroll Parkway just west of the covered bridge and are a delight to view on a spring walk. I don't know if is apparent but we are having high wind as a major storm approaches so there are petals in the air
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Monday, April 5, 2010


I missed a stroll along the basin in Washington this year but did spot a few cherry trees there in full blossom on Saturday when I drove by. It only lasts a little while, and our trees along Carroll Creek are beginning to turn green already. Catch it while you can.
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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Roman Catholic Settlement Virginia

Aquia Virginia
That the beauty of his countenance be not hidden from his own * That his wounds and woe wherein he wrote his love be known to all the people he redeemed
I muse that it is only when we get off the interstates do we begin to find hidden treasures like this bronze sculpture to commemorate the first Roman Catholic settlement in Virginia. The folk were fleeing persecution in Maryland and the Brents settled on plantations here. Later George Brent served in the 1688 House of Burgesses. Religious tolerance is the watchword for these United States
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Foul--Easter Tradition

Pictured above is the traditional Easter dish of Leaning made with chip peas, lava beans, thin, garlic, olive oil, lemon juice garnished with scalions and tomatos-- served with pits bread. Gum. Followed with Easter Lamb
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Easter Day

Holy Cross Anglican Church
The Lord is Risen; he is risen indeed. Praise the Lord. Amen
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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Salem Baptist Church

Outside of Fredericksburg. May 1863
Here McLaws formed his corps and turned Sedgwick along the Plank Road to Chancellorsville where the Union hoped to relieve Hooker. There were many battles fought about old churches as they provided a ready rally point and helped to anchor a line. This is still in use today.
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Easter Even

Resurrection Chapel
Cathedral of Ss Peter and Paul
Washington DC
Service said using this form with ante-communion in this Chapel according to propers at this link

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